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English translation for "process structuring"

Example Sentences:
1.Ho , sugar processing , metal processing structure pieces
2.A study of new collector bk - 330 and preferential technological process structure
3.When do i use formal parsers to process structured and semi - structured data
4.This document describes the oom process structure and procedures involved in conducting the oom project
5.( 4 ) and co - design methods of ic component structure and foundry process structure designs has been presented in this thesis
( 3 )达到降低高频集成电路器件的高频损耗,提高器件q值以及扩宽器件应用频带的目的。
6.Partner links are bound at deployment time , therefore service providers can be substituted without changing the process structure
7.A basic concept in erlang / otp is the supervision tree . this is a process structuring model based on the idea of workers and supervisors
8.Industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - integrated generic resources : process structure and properties
9.Combinations of such alternate data and temporal dependencies can be used to describe complex process structures as discussed in [ 23 , 26 ]
这些交替的数据和时序的相关的组合能够用于描述复杂的的过程结构,正如在[ 23 , 26 ]中讨论的。
10.Researched on the match method of the enterprise process diagnose based on case based reasoning , adapting the process structure match as the focus
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